Gratitude and Philosophy by Carla J Mattingly
For all of us who engage in perpetual consciousness to a parallel convergence of positive energy, nothing negative will be able to cloud our intent. 7/24/13
I am grateful for a fulfilling day with nature and loved ones. 7/18/13
I am grateful to have tuned into the harmonic pitch of nature. Today is beautiful with rain rinse and cool breeze. 7/1/13
I am grateful for the positive insight and enlightenment that each one of you posts and sends. 6-16-13
I am grateful for the ability to make the world a better place. Each of us making one contribution a day regardless of how small will add up to a large contribution over the course of one year. Recycle something, reach out to a neighbor, call a friend, extend an act of kindness, or help a community project. The world needs you. Let’s make a difference. 6-13-13
May your harmony and tune always be in balance. 4-20-13
A collective effort of directed consciousness with intent will produce results, whether this is through prayer, spiritual meditation, intentional thought or visualization. If one person can make a difference, directing consciousness of many can change the course of humanity. Let’s make a difference. 4/18/13
As you walk through life, realize that others walk a different way, at different speeds and use different paths by nature of existence in ones surroundings. Be thankful that if you are walking in the physical sense, that you can. 4-9-13
An open mind is your personal gateway to endless possibilities. 4-3-13
Be grateful not only for what is on your plate, but that you have a plate to fill. Reach for your dreams. 1-22-13
Each person has the ability to change their world and in turn will bring us one step closer to a reduced carbon foot print and salvation for our planet Earth.
Carla J Mattingly
July 3rd, 2009
I am grateful for another chance. A new leaf waits in the forest of vast possibilities to be nurtured and grown. 11/15/2012
I am grateful for an optimistic outlook. I welcome the chance for harmony and true tone across the universe. In unison with nature’s chord may we all be in tune. 11/8/12
I am grateful for the ability to think for myself, appreciate our mother earth and understand that humanity will have different rhythms. 11/6/12
Each day give another smile, another conversation more love and care to each and everyone. This is a viral technique worth sharing. 10/22/12
Every living thing including people need to be treated with decency and respect. The earth and its inhabitants require harmony. I am grateful to work with our earth, plants and nature. 10/5/12
With each waking, there is a new beginning. With each slumber, the waking period just experienced is behind us. Welcome the next day’s new beginnings by releasing what was in days gone by. 8/16/12
Today brings gratitude for fresh fruit and vegetables, grown through nurturing, personal care, and love. 8/9/12
I am grateful for the bounty reaped from working together and hard work we enjoy. During stressed weather patterns of drought, our growing season still produces. Will, intent, and persistence is key to inch us toward our goals. 8/1/12
Care enough to reach beyond those lost. Show them truths so they can save themselves from corporate greed, corporate pollution, and corporate propaganda that is not true and not their truth. Strength in numbers can make a difference to save us, our planet, and the rest of Earth’s inhabitants. Peace and unity can be attained. 7/31/12
Be open to positive influence. Protect yourself from all that is negative. Use your intuitions to filter for truth. 7/28/12
I am grateful for another day to share, another day to appreciate love and family, another day to relish growth from our earth and the essence of rain to nurture it. 7-23-12
I am grateful for those who help when needed. If we look, we can find others that we can help. If everyone helps keep this helping thing alive and flowing, the gap of those who need help will narrow and the morale of all will increase. 7-13-12
In appreciation for Mother Nature and all of her inhabitants, remember to treat all with decency and respect. 7-6-12
Each day is a blessing. Be grateful for all that have touched your life. 7/3/2012
I am grateful for abilities to see beyond conventional thought. 6/29/12
Realize your purpose through an open mind. 6-28-12
Everything that lives or has lived is due to a delicate balance. I am grateful for all that do their part to keep the delicate balance. Discourage and educate all that pollute, and enable the polluters that disrupt the balance. We can make a difference. 6-26-12
Much needed rain is great to see, hear, and watch. 6-21-12
Be determined and have a winning attitude. Appreciate our earth and nature. Encourage all to protect our earth from pollution and harm. 6-15-12
May the will and intent in your life blossom into your dreams! 6-8-12
Visualized and found avenues with greater ease. 6-5-12
I am grateful for the abundance our earth can produce. Homegrown food tastes great and the appreciation felt working with nature is priceless. I love the simplicity of enjoying our flowers, watching them grow, bloom, and flourish. 5-31-12
I am grateful that polluting corporations have been cited and fined. Our mother earth is special and should be nurtured not polluted. The earth’s water, soil, and air is the lifeline to all of earth’s inhabitants. Those that poison our water, soil and air poison us. If we work together we can make a positive difference to cleanse and renew what pollution has destroyed. 5-27-12
Our levels of subconscious and conscious selves working together can open doors of vastness and opportunities. 5-22-12
Imagination and innovation happen when we stop being reactive to others and their processes and focus instead on our place in time and how we will improve it. 5/21/12
I am grateful for a wonderful weekend full of super people, neighbors, friends, and family. 5-20-12
In the vast concept of answering what we are quizzed, realize that the answers sought are based on concepts of someone else’s reality. 5/14/2012
I am grateful for wonderful children, their families, and all of our family members. 5/13/12
Appreciate the vast levels of space and time. Within yourself are abilities that only need to be nurtured to grow. 5-12-12
Today I am grateful for all Kevin does to help not only at home but where and what he can for others. 5/10/12
I am grateful for a day filled with wonderful people. 5-5-12
I am grateful for the ability to provide assistance and share knowledge most media will not. 5/4/2012
Accomplishments are achieved by will and intent. 5-3-12
Today I am grateful for golden rays that light the world and promote growth. 5-2-12
Releasing all that inhibits your progress to spiritual enlightenment will set you free to find your destinies of choice. 5/1/12
Seek beyond what your eyes see, absorb what you find beyond boundaries set by man. 4/30/2012
I am grateful for a beautiful day filled with sunshine, tending plants and an appreciation for earth, friends, and my soul mate. 4/29/12
Absorb all that is good and positive and recast it for others to catch. 4/28/12
I am grateful for finding light, not at the end of the tunnel but over the horizons with endless opportunities to seek. 4-27-12
I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with so many positive people. 4/26/12
With the light of each day, the realm of new possibilities emerges. 4/25/12
The days brighten every time we reach out to one another. 4-23-12
I too have a dream – A planet where all inhabitants embrace the earthly planet treat her with decency and respect, strive to keep her and the rest of the inhabitants pristine and free of hate, greed and pollution. There is strength in numbers. Each one of us doing our part is one-step closer to restoring our earth, humanity and all that is and can be. Carla J Mattingly 4/22/2012 Earth Day 2012
Never lose sight of your dreams. 4/20/12
No news is good news from broadcasted hype. 4/20/12
So much gratitude felt for weather conducive to mowing, tending plants, watering new growth, and enjoying every minute. 4/19/12
I am grateful when the masses connect to bring resolutions to earthly harm. 4/17/12
Moving forward is achieved by letting go of what anchors your progress. 4/16/2012
Today I am grateful for flexibility. 4/15/12
A moment to thank you for words and passages of encouragement. 4/14/12
Encourage those around you to absorb positive energy and repel negative energy. Allow your inner senses to know the difference. 4/14/2012
I am grateful for the new beginning of each day as it brings possibilities of new life and new creations. 4-13-12
Teach what you can, help those in need, treat all with decency and respect. 4/9/12
I am grateful for the ability to create and do 4/5/12
Look beyond what you see. Sight is a true blessing, but it can obscure reality. 4/2/2012
I am grateful for a day filled with wonderful people, enlightened with trail of tears family history, personal kindness and warmth from fellow community members. 4-1-12
View what lives as part of life. View what allows life as part of the earth. View what allows earth as part of the universe. Nurture our Mother Earth, she has tolerated our presence. We have taken advantage of her. We owe Mother Earth to repair the damage we have done. Make a Difference! Do your part! 3/31/12
Strive for intuitive guidance from all that is good. 3-30-12
May positive energy fill your realm and joy fill your hearts. 3/29/12
I am grateful for the enlightenment shared from those that have mastered skills. 3-28-10
Grateful for a day of accomplishments half way into the day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the gates are open for more. 3/27/2012
Great day of calm, 68 degrees, gentle breeze, very receptive conditions. 3/25/12
Today was grateful for wonderful neighbors and friends that always bring cheer. We are blessed with a good place to live. 3/24/12
Grateful for the rain to replenish our mother earth allowing cleansing and rebirth. 3-23-12
Sunshine, full day of warmth, quality time, devotion to completing tasks and grateful for all who spread light, love, and joy to others. 3/22/12
I am grateful today for the generous weather that allowed us to prepare for gardens of vegetables, fruit, and flowers. 3/21/12
It feels so good working with the earth we walk on, plus the physical labor is good for the mind body and soul. 3/20/12
Grateful that I can help people when others either will not or cannot. 3-15-12
78 degrees and sunny in NE Indiana grateful for the fresh air and warmth, Mother Nature has blessed us today! 3/14/11
I am grateful for the wonderful memories, loving children, friends, and my soul mate 3/13/12
Today I am grateful to have a place to live 3/12/12
Campaigning for More Love and Less Hatred
Our Dreams are the windows through which our souls connect. Carla J Mattingly 2/19/2021
May you find peace among sorrow and be able to embrace the fondness of memories. Carla J Mattingly 12-31-20
May 2021 be the year of Good Health, Prosperity, Abundance, Sustainability, Love, Peace, Resiliency, Gratitude, Diversity, and Empathy. Carla J Mattingly, 12/31/20
Through the greater scheme of universal things, we are only a tiny particle of history. I personally do not want to be part of a society known solely for hatred as that shows ignorance, lack of tolerance and a HUGE step backwards in the social evolutional pattern of humans. It is unfortunate that some are so easily influenced to follow ill guided rhetoric that leads to subconscious out lashing of hate, anger and a host of other “uncontrolled behaviors”. There is quite a bit of documented evidence that outlines what drives these behaviors. I have done much research over the years. I have found it to be enlightening and true. One must want the answers in order to find them. It is better not to feed into a negative problem, but to be part of the positive resolution. If negativity has no fuel, it will not survive. Carla J Mattingly 7/21/2020
Singing and dancing feed the soul making a connection to the Earth and Sky where inhibitions fly, and you are set free. Carla J Mattingly 7/17/2020
A birth and the day are a celebration of life brought into the conscious world we understand. For many it is a joyous day full of memories that spawn as each year passes. For others it is a reminder of the birthday that passes without the physical presence of the celebrant that is no longer an earthly being, creating new memories. Through my dreams you are always present. Happy Heavenly Birthday Erica. 8/15/2019
Having a good attitude spreads positivity, it is contagious it is everything. Someone must choose to assign an emotion to their perceptions of situations and events. A person’s Attitude has a direct impact on everything. It influences thoughts, actions, and the energy one uses and projects toward others. 5-5-2019
Allow yourself to cry, allow yourself to feel love and sorrow, and allow yourself to reflect any memory your heart chooses Carla J Mattingly 6/2/2019
A parent’s love transcends time and space. It is forever strong and forever connected. 5/7/2019
Heaven on earth is all peoples working together as a whole for the good of all on earth and the universe. Carla J Mattingly 2/15/18
Maintain an open mind for opinions and rumor. The wrath it imposes on a community is negative and irresponsible. Believe not what you hear and half of what you see for it is only a small glimpse of the entirety. Carla J Mattingly 2/15/18
We all should view the world as our home, loving it and nurturing all of our family within it. Carla J Mattingly 10/31/17
Your destiny in the infinite possibilities of space and time was imprinted in the cosmos. You need only to tune yourself to the frequencies that await you. Carla J Mattingly 10/4/17
Lead a positive path. Let no one breach your positivity. Teach when you can, know when you can’t. Share your strengths. Lend an ear. Nurture yourself. Carla J Mattingly 8/7/17
A cleansed pallet waits on this day’s new dawn. Embrace it as you paint your day’s accomplishments. Carla J Mattingly 8/4/17
Feel the wind as it gently pushes you toward your destiny. Feel the warmth of the sun as it fills your body with light. Feel the rain as it cleanses our earth as it does us and all that is on our planet. Breathe in the air and listen to your breath as a driving force to good health and well being. Contribute to making our planet healthy again. Leave no trace. Carla J Mattingly 7/18/17
I am grateful for spring temperatures, allowing open windows that let the cool breeze flow through, amplifying the songbird’s chorus in tune with nature’s natural vibrations. The early morning dawn instills calm over all that is, opening the new day full of possibilities. Carla J Mattingly 6/8/17
Imagination and innovation happen when we stop being reactive and focus instead on our place in time and how we will improve it. Carla J Mattingly 3/13/2016
I am so grateful for our universe. The Vibrational Energy Frequencies that interlace through our Universe like woven cloth cannot be seen or heard without the aid of technology. None the less Vibrational Energy Frequencies exist and allow life as we know it to exist and flourish. Collective movements are popping up around the globe in an effort to reach and enlighten the peoples of our planet to not only pay attention to nature but to awaken to the positive frequencies of every living thing. Currently only a few people have the ability to positively impact masses of people because their frequency is so much higher. Watching Pope Frances spread goodness and stress the importance of nurturing each other and our planet deeply moved me. I felt his love, passion, and truth as he applied his beliefs in his sermons. Judging from the crowds and their positive vibrations I also believe they too were deeply moved. It is no wonder that music is the universal language.
One of the carriers I represent sent me a notice that another merger is in the works and his future with a new owner is not certain. Being that I too went through a Behemoth take over, I felt his uncertainty. I had taken training regarding new beginnings. I wanted to share what I experienced and wanted to share it with him. It sounds cliché, but with the training, I was prepared to take a different path and welcome it with open arms. When one door closes another door opens. Through that new door are endless possibilities with silver linings. You will make the silver shine brighter. 7-16-15
I am grateful for: Family, children, grandchildren, spouse, friends, colleagues, and being who I am. I am so grateful and thankful that I have the freedom to be appreciative knowing that I can. 6/6/15
One can find a multitude of things to be grateful for. One can find times where without someone’s intervention they would have not achieved. We all can lend an ear, a shoulder, a kind word or a smile and help others find a multitude of things to be grateful for. Carla J Mattingly 3/21/2015
I am grateful for a chance to heal
Today I am grateful for awaking intuition that guides me to truths not easily obtained. Through transparent vision one can see beyond melancholy daily noise. This enlightenment allows the positive brightness to beam into your realm of space and time in the moment. Carla J Mattingly 9/16/14
I find many things I am grateful for. Today brings awareness to those that need positive vibrations sent in their direction to break down the negative influences that infiltrate their being. Collectively, let’s share our positive vibes and prayers to the earth and universe for it to rain down on all. 9/10/14
A collective effort of directed consciousness with intent will produce results, whether this is through prayer, spiritual meditation, intentional thought or visualization. If one person can make a difference, directing consciousness of many can change the course of humanity. Let’s make a difference. Carla J Mattingly 4/18/13
I find many things I am grateful for. Today brings awareness to those that need positive vibrations sent in their direction to break down the negative influences that infiltrate their being. Collectively, let’s share our positive vibes and prayers to the earth and universe for it to rain down on all. 9-10-14
I am grateful for the beautiful Wren that sings with joy just outside our door. 8/15/2014
By limiting your realm of view, you are limiting endless possibilities of boundless abundance. Open your mind not just your eyes. Then be grateful for all that unfolds before you. 5/6/14
I am grateful for intuition that opens doors with options full of truthful outcomes. When one asks for an explanation to a problem they cannot see, the answer will be oblivious to them as well. Seek your own truth and encourage other to seek theirs. 5-1-14
I am grateful for another day, another breath, another smile, another chance. With this dawn is a new opportunity to live. 4/28/14
From a view of our universe looking toward our mother earth a new perspective can be attained. Viewing humanity not as individuals but rather a species whose brief moments through the hands of time occupy a planet known as earth. In the greater scheme of universal things our species will be viewed by what we have left behind through our existence. Be grateful for the abundance, find positivity, help others, tread lightly, but leave no footprint. Carla J Mattingly 4/16/14
I am grateful for sight beyond vision, clarity through fog and optimism despite media and ill guided opinion. 4-14-14
I am grateful for flexibility and balance. 3-15-14
I am grateful for the paths of opportunity that await me. I am grateful for advancements that lead to good health and well-being. 2/26/14
I am grateful today for the kindness, good manners, and gracious care for fellow mankind witnessed at two very busy stores today. Although many were on a mission, each was taking extra care to be polite and offer others their place in line. This is a great example of how kind humans can be. 12/23/13
Gratitude is felt and realized through our interaction with each other, nature, eating, sleeping, love, a sense of comfort, a sense of accomplishment, appreciation of friendship, a simple smile, eye contact, and lending an ear to listen are only examples. In America we celebrate Thanksgiving one day a year. Acknowledging there are many things to be grateful for every day will diminish those annoying and damaging negative vibes that try to infiltrate your space and open new space for all of the positive aspects to flow in and out of not only your space but the space of those around you. Carla J Mattingly 11-28-13
The little things most take for granted are out of reach for many Americans and peoples of our world. Reaching out to help where and when you can will mean the world to someone that needs you and the assistance you can give. Be grateful that you can lend an ear, lend a hand, provide something to eat, or lend a task to complete. 11/08/13 Carla J Mattingly
Being grateful for life, love and family has taken front stage today and led to a flow of creativity. 10-30-13 Carla J Mattingly
Hear the sounds of nature, feel what is natural, smell the aroma of purity, taste the bounty of what grows naturally, see truth through your own eyes then bring your rhythms, pitch and vibrations into tune. Be grateful that you really can think for yourself. 10/4/2013 Carla J Mattingly
If you listen to the sounds of nature, you will hear the tears shed for pollution that does harm. I am grateful for our earth. 8/17/13 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for every memory and the thought that there will be more. 8/12/13 Carla J Mattingly
For all of us who engage in perpetual consciousness to a parallel convergence of positive energy, nothing negative will be able to cloud our intent. 7/24/13 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for a fulfilling day with nature and loved ones. 7/18/13 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful to have tuned into the harmonic pitch of nature. Today is beautiful with rain rinse and cool breeze. 7/1/13 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the positive insight and enlightenment that each one of you posts and sends. 6-16-13 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the ability to make the world a better place. Each of us making one contribution a day regardless of how small will add up to a large contribution over the course of one year. Recycle something, reach out to a neighbor, call a friend, extend an act of kindness, or help a community project. The world needs you. Let’s make a difference. 6-13-13 Carla J Mattingly
May your harmony and tune always be in balance. 4-20-13 Carla J Mattingly
A collective effort of directed consciousness with intent will produce results, whether this is through prayer, spiritual meditation, intentional thought or visualization. If one person can make a difference, directing consciousness of many can change the course of humanity. Let’s make a difference. 4/18/13 Carla J Mattingly
As you walk through life, realize that others walk a different way, at different speeds and use different paths by nature of existence in one's surroundings. Be thankful that if you are walking in the physical sense, that you can. 4-9-13 Carla J Mattingly
An open mind is your personal gateway to endless possibilities. 4-3-13 Carla J Mattingly
Be grateful not only for what is on your plate, but that you have a plate to fill. Reach for your dreams. 1-22-13 Carla J Mattingly
Each person has the ability to change their world and in turn will bring us one step closer to a reduced carbon footprint and salvation for our planet Earth. Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for another chance. A new leaf waits in the forest of vast possibilities to be nurtured and grown. 11/15/2012 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for an optimistic outlook. I welcome the chance for harmony and true tone across the universe. In unison with nature’s chord may we all be in tune. 11/8/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the ability to think for myself, appreciate our mother earth and understand that humanity will have different rhythms. 11/6/12 Carla J Mattingly
Each day give another smile, another conversation more love and care to each and everyone. This is a viral technique worth sharing. 10/22/12 Carla J Mattingly
Every living thing including people need to be treated with decency and respect. The earth and its inhabitants require harmony. I am grateful to work with our earth, plants and nature. 10/5/12 Carla J Mattingly
With each waking, there is a new beginning. With each slumber, the waking period just experienced is behind us. Welcome the next day’s new beginnings by releasing what was in days gone by. 8/16/12 Carla J Mattingly
Today brings gratitude for fresh fruit and vegetables, grown through nurturing, personal care, and love. 8/9/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the bounty reaped from working together and hard work we enjoy. During stressed weather patterns of drought, our growing season still produces. Will, intent, and persistence is key to inch us toward our goals. 8/1/12 Carla J Mattingly
Care enough to reach beyond those lost. Show them truths so they can save themselves from corporate greed, corporate pollution, and corporate propaganda that is not true and not their truth. Strength in numbers can make a difference to save us, our planet, and the rest of Earth’s inhabitants. Peace and unity can be attained. 7/31/12 Carla J Mattingly
Be open to positive influence. Protect yourself from all that is negative. Use your intuitions to filter for truth. 7/28/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for another day to share, another day to appreciate love and family, another day to relish growth from our earth and the essence of rain to nurture it. 7-23-12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for those who help when needed. If we look, we can find others that we can help. If everyone helps keep this helping thing alive and flowing, the gap of those who need help will narrow and the morale of all will increase. 7-13-12 Carla J Mattingly
In appreciation for Mother Nature and all of her inhabitants, remember to treat all with decency and respect. 7-6-12 Carla J Mattingly
Each day is a blessing. Be grateful for all that have touched your life. 7/3/2012 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for abilities to see beyond conventional thought. 6/29/12 Carla J Mattingly
Realize your purpose through an open mind. 6-28-12 Carla J Mattingly
Everything that lives or has lived is due to a delicate balance. I am grateful for all that do their part to keep the delicate balance. Discourage and educate all that pollute and enable the polluters that disrupt the balance. We can make a difference. 6-26-12 Carla J Mattingly
Much needed rain is great to see, hear, and watch. 6-21-12 Carla J Mattingly
Be determined and have a winning attitude. Appreciate our earth and nature. Encourage all to protect our earth from pollution and harm. 6-15-12 Carla J Mattingly
May the will and intent in your life blossom into your dreams! 6-8-12 Carla J Mattingly
Visualized and found avenues with greater ease. 6-5-12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the abundance our earth can produce. Homegrown food tastes great and the appreciation felt working with nature is priceless. I love the simplicity of enjoying our flowers, watching them grow, bloom, and flourish. 5-31-12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful that polluting corporations have been cited and fined. Our mother earth is special and should be nurtured not polluted. The earth’s water, soil, and air are the lifeline to all of earth’s inhabitants. Those that poison our water, soil and air poison us. If we work together, we can make a positive difference to cleanse and renew what pollution has destroyed. 5-27-12 Carla J Mattingly
Our levels of subconscious and conscious selves working together can open doors of vastness and opportunities. 5-22-12 Carla J Mattingly
Imagination and innovation happen when we stop being reactive to others and their processes and focus instead on our place in time and how we will improve it. 5/21/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for a wonderful weekend full of super people, neighbors, friends, and family. 5-20-12 Carla J Mattingly
In the vast concept of answering what we are quizzed, realize that the answers sought are based on concepts of someone else’s reality. 5/14/2012 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for wonderful children, their families, and all of our family members. 5/13/12 Carla J Mattingly
Appreciate the vast levels of space and time. Within yourself are abilities that only need to be nurtured to grow. 5-12-12 Carla J Mattingly
Today I am grateful for all Kevin does to help not only at home but where and what he can for others. 5/10/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for a day filled with wonderful people. 5-5-12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the ability to provide assistance and share knowledge most media will not. 5/4/2012 Carla J Mattingly
Accomplishments are achieved by will and intent. 5-3-12 Carla J Mattingly
Today I am grateful for golden rays that light the world and promote growth. 5-2-12 Carla J Mattingly
Releasing all that inhibits your progress to spiritual enlightenment will set you free to find your destinies of choice. 5/1/12 Carla J Mattingly
Seek beyond what your eyes see, absorb what you find beyond boundaries set by man. 4/30/2012 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for a beautiful day filled with sunshine, tending plants and an appreciation for earth, friends, and my soul mate. 4/29/12 Carla J Mattingly
Absorb all that is good and positive and recast it for others to catch. 4/28/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for finding light, not at the end of the tunnel but over the horizons with endless opportunities to seek. 4-27-12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the opportunity to connect with so many positive people. 4/26/12 Carla J Mattingly
With the light of each day, the realm of new possibilities emerges. 4/25/12
The days brighten every time we reach out to one another. 4-23-12
I too have a dream – A planet where all inhabitants embrace our earthly planet treat her with decency and respect, strive to keep her and the rest of the inhabitants pristine and free of hate, greed and pollution. There is strength in numbers. Each one of us doing our part is one-step closer to restoring our earth, humanity and all that is and can be. Carla J Mattingly 4/22/2012 Earth Day 2012 Carla J Mattingly
Never lose sight of your dreams. 4/20/12 Carla J Mattingly
No news is good news from broadcasted hype. 4/20/12 Carla J Mattingly
So much gratitude felt for weather conducive to mowing, tending plants, watering new growth, and enjoying every minute. 4/19/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful when the masses connect to bring resolutions to earthly harm. 4/17/12 Carla J Mattingly
Moving forward is achieved by letting go of what anchors your progress. 4/16/2012 Carla J Mattingly
Today I am grateful for flexibility. 4/15/12 Carla J Mattingly
A moment to thank you for words and passages of encouragement. 4/14/12 Carla J Mattingly
Encourage those around you to absorb positive energy and repel negative energy. Allow your inner senses to know the difference. 4/14/2012 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the new beginning of each day as it brings possibilities of new life and new creations. 4-13-12 Carla J Mattingly
Teach what you can, help those in need, treat all with decency and respect. 4/9/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the ability to create and do 4/5/12 Carla J Mattingly
Look beyond what you see. Sight is a true blessing, but it can obscure reality. 4/2/2012 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for a day filled with wonderful people, enlightened with trail of tears family history, personal kindness and warmth from fellow community members. 4-1-12 Carla J Mattingly
View what lives as part of life. View what allows life as part of the earth. View what allows earth as part of the universe. Nurture our Mother Earth, she has tolerated our presence. We have taken advantage of her. We owe Mother Earth to repair the damage we have done. Make a Difference! Do your part! 3/31/12 Carla J Mattingly
Strive for intuitive guidance from all that is good. 3-30-12 Carla J Mattingly
May positive energy fill your realm and may joy fill your hearts. 3/29/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the enlightenment shared from those that have mastered skills. 3-28-10 Carla J Mattingly
Grateful for a day of accomplishments halfway into the day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the gates are open for more. 3/27/2012 Carla J Mattingly
Great day of calm, 68 degrees, gentle breeze, very receptive conditions. 3/25/12 Carla J Mattingly
Today was grateful for wonderful neighbors and friends that always bring cheer. We are blessed with a good place to live. 3/24/12 Carla J Mattingly
Grateful for the rain to replenish our mother earth allowing cleansing and rebirth. 3-23-12 Carla J Mattingly
Sunshine, full day of warmth, quality time, devotion to completing tasks and grateful for all who spread light, love, and joy to others. 3/22/12 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful today for the generous weather that allowed us to prepare for gardens of vegetables, fruit, and flowers. 3/21/12 Carla J Mattingly
It feels so good working with the earth we walk on, plus the physical labor is good for the mind body and soul. 3/20/12 Carla J Mattingly
Grateful that I can help people when others either will not or cannot. 3-15-12 Carla J Mattingly
78 degrees and sunny in NE Indiana grateful for the fresh air and warmth, Mother Nature has blessed us today! 3/14/11 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for the wonderful memories, loving children, friends, and my soul mate 3/13/12
Today I am grateful to have a place to live 3/12/12 Carla J Mattingly
When one door closes another door opens. Through that new door are endless possibilities with silver linings. You will make the silver shine brighter. 7-16-15 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful for: Family, children, grandchildren, spouse, friends, colleagues, and being who I am. I am so grateful and thankful that I have the freedom to be appreciative knowing that I can. 6/6/15 Carla J Mattingly
I am grateful that I live in a society that is abundant. Contrary to monetarily encouraged media outlets that set in motion division lines, chaos, along with impending gloom & doom, the USA’s poorest children have access to education and at least one meal per day during the school year. Children in impoverished countries pray for food, clean water, medical facilities, clothing and a roof over their head, the basic elements to survive. Despite diverse propaganda, I do live in a society that allows for equality even though it is not well managed. I live in a society that has the engineering technology to clean water, grow food, heal the sick, provide housing, & provide access to education so we can ensure that generations to come will have the resources to survive. I live in a society that by choice pollutes water supplies, land and air. I live in a society that by choice lobbies to keep food, education, the best medical care and housing from citizens that need it but cannot afford it. I live in a society that has the technology to manufacture everything we need but by choice moved jobs and manufacturing to other countries. I live in a society that has willing and able men & women that want to work but by choice good jobs were eliminated and sent to other countries. I used to live in a society where men and women earned wages from their jobs to provide for themselves and their children. I used to live in a society where there was an abundance to lend to those in need. I used to live in a society where the water ways were clean and healthy. I used to live in a society where the air was full of oxygen and had no pollutants. I used to live in a society that took pride in ensuring that all citizens had what they needed. I used to live in a society that cared about neighbors and families. I used to live in a society that instilled good moral choices through education. I used to live in a society that taught industrial basics, cooking and sewing. I used to live in a society that provided the foods in their local communities without additives, preservatives, and GMO. I used to live in a society where farmers made sure there was adequate farm grazing for the numbers of livestock they owned. I used to live in a society where invasive species did not tip the delicate balance of earth’s eco system. I am grateful that I live in a society that is abundant, but I pray that the abundance is used to save and provide for our peoples and our planet, not just for profit and greed. 5-13-15 Carla J Mattingly