Sarcastically Speaking having been born in 1953 I have witnessed happenings in our society and in our environment that is not conducive to life as I once knew it to be.
I am grateful that I live in a society that is abundant. Contrary to monetarily encouraged media outlets that set in motion division lines, chaos, along with impending gloom & doom, the USA’s poorest children have access to education and at least one meal per day during the school year. Children in impoverished countries pray for food, clean water, medical facilities, clothing and a roof over their head, the basic elements to survive. Despite diverse propaganda, I do live in a society that allows for equality even though it is not well managed. I live in a society that has the engineering technology to clean water, grow food, heal the sick, provide housing, & provide access to education so we can ensure that generations to come will have the resources to survive. I live in a society that by choice pollutes water supplies, land and air. I live in a society that by choice lobbies to keep food, education, the best medical care and housing from citizens that need it but cannot afford it. I live in a society that has the technology to manufacture everything we need but by choice moved jobs and manufacturing to other countries. I live in a society that has willing and able men & women that want to work but by choice good jobs were eliminated and sent to other countries. I used to live in a society where men and women earned wages from their jobs to provide for themselves and their children. I used to live in a society where there was an abundance to lend to those in need. I used to live in a society where the water ways were clean and healthy. I used to live in a society where the air was full of oxygen and had no pollutants. I used to live in a society that took pride in ensuring that all citizens had what they needed. I used to live in a society that cared about neighbors and families. I used to live in a society that instilled good moral choices through education. I used to live in a society that taught industrial basics, cooking and sewing. I used to live in a society that provided the foods in their local communities without additives, preservatives, and GMO. I used to live in a society where farmers made sure there was adequate farm grazing for the amount of livestock they owned. I used to live in a society where invasive species did not tip the delicate balance of earth’s eco system. I am grateful that I live in a society that is abundant, but I pray that the abundance is used to save and provide for our peoples and our planet, not just for profit and greed.
Carla J Mattingly
Carla J Mattingly