Clear the Air, Please!
A public health hazard is going on in banks. pharmacies, malls, live markets, workplaces, stores both big and small, and in a variety of public places. What is this practice? Fragrance and chemical concoction particulates used in HVAC Systems, and scented items inside public places, basically everywhere. Certain ingredients and over saturation of fragrance in candles, soaps, lotions, ornaments, and other items set some people like me over the edge.
I have asthma when I get close to “Candle Isles”. I also have severe reactions to laundry and soap isles. One large grocery chain has the soap isle right across from the pharmacy. If I need to wait in-line for more than 2 people, I leave until I can get in and out as quickly as possible.
When Covid-19 created a situation that affected the safety of those waiting in-line, I changed to a pharmacy that had “drive-through” service. I have reactions from lawn & garden departments that cause me to have numb lips, asthma, dizziness, feeling lethargic, sinus infections, and eye pressure. I also experience excessive eye watering, that can last days after exposure. The bagged lawn, insect, weed products have particulates that do get in the air. Some lawn and garden products have been cited for having carcinogens and toxic substances. Prior to 2016 these substances were banned from use where children are present. Since that time, they are allowed again, where children are present, at places like schools and sporting events. These carcinogens and toxic substances were banned in Europe and many other countries. I have allergic reactions to cosmetic make-up. I have allergic reactions to certain dyes. I wash everything before I wear it, sleep on it or have it next to my skin. I break out in hives when I use a razor with a “Soft Strip”. Softeners also cause me to have negative reactions.
I get asthma when scented trash bags are used. Some colognes and perfumes bother me, but not all of them. I have called department and grocery stores to ask them to remove the obnoxious scented pinecones from their pharmacy area. It never ceases to amaze me that stores put allergy causing products close to their pharmacies.
My asthma medicine cost was $45.00 for an emergency inhaler that I need to use after being exposed to fragrance being spewed from devices that put particulates into the air. People were not meant to breathe oil particulates, smoke, powdered lawn, insect and weed killers either.
Is it any wonder why fragrance allergies are on the rise? Fragrance overuse is causing the last straw incidence to push sensitive people with breathing problems over the edge. Some people develop hives with exposure. Some people develop headaches with exposure, while others develop sneezing, dizziness, watery eyes, and nausea. Misting fragrance particulates into the air creates the atmosphere (literally) of a toxic brew to those with weakened immune systems, respiratory problems, and allergies.
Down-line sellers are encouraged by their up-lines to spew fragrance particulates into the air infiltrating those around them, without their permission. I have asked those partaking in fragrance spewing not to spew fragrances through a plugged-in device. I asked them to keep a lid on their products. They become defensive and state that they are spewing it anyway. Thankfully, live shows, and markets, are now prohibiting this practice due to complaints. During live shows I have found it necessary to move far away from the Multi-Level Fragrance Particulate Atomizers to keep asthma attacks from happening. I have walked into homes that have plugged in devices spewing fragrance. Some had told me they were all natural essential oils so they were "OK". My allergies can detect the difference, and they were not OK. They believed what they were told. I ask them to unplug their device. In some instances, I need to reschedule the appointment and return at another date & time. I have noticed young children start coughing walking by their table as do others. Shoppers complain about odors and still they persist.
I have been blending oils for years, somewhere around 19 years and do not have reactions. I do not, nor would I ever suggest that anyone spew fragrance particulates into the air. I buy in bulk from U. S. Labs. I bottle my own oils. I blend fragrances. My Essential Oils are Essential. Perfume Oil is Perfume Oil made from base oils and essential oils. My glass oil bottles have lids on them.
One would think with the decline of shoppers using on-line shopping as opposed to a live visit to a retail store, that all stores, events, banks, schools, and public places in general would want to do everything possible to make it comfortable for all to visit.
I have a problem with the “Fragrance Spewing Personnel” telling the public their products cure everything from A – Z. This scientifically is hogwash. Research has shown the toxic combination of falsely labeled Essential Oils and Multi-Level Marketing creates a false ceiling of overpriced MLM distributors that see little profits on a consistent basis. Research has also shed light on MLM companies charging prices that would never be sustainable in the traditional brick and mortar store. That is why the Multi-Level Marketers create downlines that encourage them to be part of their MLM marketing schemes. If you are at the top of their pyramid, you make money, until the support system fails. Eventually, there are too many distributors in the downstream, that are encouraged to tell people “if the product is not at least $ high over priced, it is not a good product” another overpriced selling ploy. This is true for most MLM’s.
Cost Prohibitive is a better term to use. Reading the findings from Consumer Reports ” 5 Things We've Learned About the Booming Essential Oils Business”, was eye opening. If something is really a good selling product it will end up being “in stock” at the large retailers at a price that is less than half of what the MLM costs were.
I don’t tell people that any oil cures anything, because it doesn’t. I started doing oils around 19 years ago because I have allergies to many substances. Spewed particulates from many sources, with various chemical concoctions and added fragrance cause me to have asthma attacks, inflamed eye irritation, skin problems, and sinus pressure. If they kept a lid on their products and did not SPEW them from a plugged-in device or through HVAC systems, indoor air quality would be much better.
Why can’t public places strive for clean, clear air? The Multi-Level Marketing Companies can do what they want at home. Please, do not expose children, older adults, those with sensitivities, and those with respiratory problems with particulates without their permission.
In the Summer of 2019 I started coughing uncontrollably while waiting for a vendor to finish packing. I asked if she had scented products because I smelled Vanilla. She replied "oh, that is my vape pen leaking in my purse". I had to move further away. Since vaping started most scented “vape” pens make my breathing very difficult just being close to it. It is no surprise to me that vaping put people in the hospital with respiratory problems that had none prior to vaping. Some of those hospitalized will not fully recover. Even with the regulated mandated changes vaping is still a hazard to people like me.
Public retail spaces should be clear of irritants in the air that cause breathing problems. There are protesters citing equality and freedoms. The same should apply for those with allergies, asthma, and respiratory problems, because those types of disabilities are growing in vast numbers due to overexposure to irritants without our permission. There was a time where none of the over scented products and chemicals were available. There was a time when powdered lawn, insect and weed killers were not stacked by the bag on several shelves in home and department stores.
Simply being considerate of others would really help. I usually know what bothers me, therefore, I will remove myself from the problem. I noticed through corporations I worked at, that others don’t have an immediate response to scents and toxic substances but would complain about not feeling well after ”the bug sprays were applied and after carpets were cleaned”. Some of the chemicals used in lawn, insect, weed products, herbicides, fragrances, and cleaners are toxic and an underlying cause of cancers that develop from exposure over time.
Formaldehyde is a chemical I had a very high reaction to during allergy testing in the late 1990’s. Formaldehyde is in several products, some consumable, textiles like clothing, carpet, building products, and several everyday products. Most allergists don’t test for Formaldehyde anymore. It is in a high percentage of products found in most homes.
March 15th, 2023, while redoing a jewelry booth in a store I am in, I had a reaction to a new candle vendor/maybe a combination of a soap vendor and candle vendors combined, that had something different that was not present the past times I was close to those products. It took me over 3 hours to redo that booth. I asked the staff if there was something different. They replied no and that maybe someone that walked by had a fragrance that bothered me. The coughing started shortly after I started redoing my booth and continued until I finished. It was not as bad redoing a 2nd booth in another location in the store. The coughing was better a few rooms away, but the cough continued. My sinuses were raw. I did have a Covid test (negative) 2 days later on March 17th, 2023. (Could not taste or smell for 3 days). I received an oral antibiotic on April 14th, 2023, and different medicines from my allergist April 19, 2023. Another round of antibiotics was prescribed in May of 2023. My booth requires a lock. All locked cases were moved to the check-out room. The candles and soap do not require a locked cabinet. I noticed people coming in the front door and sneezing, older people coughing. I am the canary in the cave, I react long before anyone else, others were showing signs of irritation when they entered the area.
Update: I wore a mask the next time I redid the booth. The candle booth was reduced in size. I did cough but not violently like I did March 15th, 2023. I then wore no mask when redoing the booth. I coughed but not excessively, much better. Last visit July 2024, no candle vendors in the checkout area. I had a pleasant time and no allergy problems.
Through July 5th, 2023, three & ½ months after the chemical burn reaction to what I am referring to a Obnoxious Scented Candles. I finally stopped violently coughing. After violently coughing for 3.5 months, I needed surgery because 1 vertebra and a spur were pressing into my spinal column. I do have a history of vertebrae wearing away. However, I had no signs of neck pain until I coughed violently for 3.5 months. A plate was inserted between the vertebra and the spinal column, and the spur was removed, cadaver bone and disk tissue were used, and the vertebrae was fused above and below the vertebra repair. (I did have a similar surgery in 2017). I did not have any neck pain until I started coughing violently for 3.5 months. The raw eyes, throat, and sinuses allowed another bacterial infection to invade the raw areas.
Please, if you are a manager or own retail or service space, be cautious of what products you have and allow where people linger. Waiting in lines for 5 plus minutes and longer seems to increase my reactions.
Somewhere around 2020, possibly earlier I started having coughing reactions to down draft from HVAC Systems. I have complained for years about certain areas in department stores and large grocery areas that are also in direct line under HVAC discharge. Most other people have no problem, but being the "Canary in the Cave" type, I have breathing problems, watery eyes, and coughing that will not go away until I eat a cough drop, blow my nose, and remove myself from the area. I did complain to a Credit Union manager that every time I come in, I start coughing and wondered if it had something to do with an additive to their HVAC system. Since that complaint, I have had visits where I was not affected and other visits where within seconds I start coughing when I enter and can smell fragrance coming from their ceiling vent. There seems to be a trend for adding scented fresheners and sanitizers to heating and cooling systems. I realize they are sanitizing air exchange to quell viruses and bacteria to offset those that are not vaccinated or are currently ill. "COVID" and it's new variants are on the rise again, 4.5 years after the onset.
Please do not subject customers in retail & service buildings to chemical and scented additives.
Carla J Mattingly